Color yourself well or sober - it can be done, according to psychologists who have studied the link between different colors and how they make people feel.

Some leaders in this field are convinced colors can be used to cure a variety of illnesses and emotional problems ranging from alcoholism to ulcers.

'Studies have shown that the colors surrounding a person can have a profound effect on health, to the point that they may even influence the course of a disease,' says Dr. Richard T.Davis, of the Psychology Department at the University of California, Los Angeles.

A recent study disclosed that blue lighting in a factory made the women look sick, which made them believe they were ill. This led to them staying home more often.
The factory owners painted the walls warm beige and absenteeism dropped immediately.

Dr. Oscar Brunler, a Swedish researcher who has studied the effects of color on animal habits, found that a group of mice placed in slate blue boxes became listless and inactive. Switched to yellow boxes, they became alert and active.

Dr. Brunler also exposed two groups of mildly intoxicated men to different colored lights. Those in yellow-orange light stopped drinking and those in red light kept drinking.

A physician in Pinehurst, N.C., Dr. Francis Owens treated burns on some of his patients by holding the affected area under a light wrapped in green paper.

After half an hour under the green light, the patients, some with second and third degree burns, reported the pain had ended dramatically.

Dr. Owens said the burned areas also healed far more quickly than he would have normally expected.
Here is how Dr. Davis rates colors for healthful effects:

• RED - stimulates the circulatory system, helps overcome inertia and may help break up congestion. Japanese experiments with rabbits showed that red lights also lowered blood pressure. But nervous people, or those with a high fever should avoid red, which overexcites the nervous system.

• ORANGE - has been used to alleviate asthma and respiratory ailments and is also believed to ease cramps. It helps digestion and can provide relief from ulcer pain. It also boosts enthusiasm and morale.

• YELLOW - is believed to be a muscle stimulant and helps a nervous condition. It also aids digestion and relieves constipation. Deep yellow-orange may relieve the join swelling of some forms of arthritis. It cheers up depressed patients.

• GREEN - soothes nerves and promotes general healing. It also stimulates passion by reminding a person of spring and rejuvenation.

• BLUE - helps reduce pain and fevers and helps people to relax. It aids in fighting infection or inflammation. In some cases, it has helped relieve migraine headaches.

• INDIGO - relieves swelling and pain and is a good sedative.

• VIOLET - promotes sleep. It also lowers body temperatures and improves the circulatory system.